est learning apps by category from Matt's perspective of easy to use, exponential increase in learning curve, and entertaining.
- Morning Brew (best source of morning headlines for all news)

- Knewz.com
- Pocket (i.e. app to store articles and new top aticles)
- Weforum (weekly international news)
- Carnegie Cyber International blog
- Darkreading
- HackNotice
- GoodnewsNetwork (i.e. stories of Good news in the world)
- Medium
- Wired.com
- Nextgov
- Hackernews
- Twitter: AI, Hackernews,infosec,sirajraval, cyberscoop, trustedsec, aws, fireeye, hackster.io, eff, w3c, webfoundiation, controlrisks,siemens,tensorflow, cheddar, techcruch,dragos, openai
- Defense News
- World economic forum
- World Economic Forum Strategic Intelligence : Each topic has many resrouces and 'web' of issues to explore
- Technically
- Business Casual Podcast
- Robinhood Snacks
- AI For You
- Risky Business Podcast
- Intelligence Matters
- The Knowledge Project
- SpyCast Podcast
- Tim Ferriss Show Podcast
- David Rubenstein Show Podcast
- Hope Through History
- Real Estate rookie
- Overdrive (elibrary books) | Android, iOS
- Top Business Books Post
- Top Fictional Books,
- Matt's Goodreads Reading List
- Blinklist (condenses books to 15 min)
- Principles in Action App by Ray Dalio
- Break Into Tech - Great list of resources
- Grasshopper for coding
- Py for coding
- AMAI Be AI Expert Roadmap
- AI for Anyone App
- AI for Anyone Resources and teaching material. Tool Kit
- AI Anyone Community
- FAIR AI - detecting bias
- Arthur AI - detecting bias
- Bias in AI Workshop by Ai For Anyone
- AI Google resources
- Teachable machine
- Teachable Arcade Exercise
- MIT AI Ethics Exercise
- H2O AI
- Cool Github to Teach you Python
- Free Code Camp
- Free code Sources
- What is Kubernetes?
- What is MongoDB?
- Ai completes thought https://talktotransformer.com/
- Machine learning game: https://luden.io/wtl
- http://www.codeskulptor.org/ (user interface to learn python)
- ProCode.org
- Ultimate coding resources
- Github App (Android | iOS)
- Best dev Github repos
- Container Images Github
- Bashtop GUI for Linux
- Bpytop
- SpaceNet: open data of satellite images
- Zoom Earth: Satellite photos in real time
- Deep Dream Generator
- OpenAI JukeBox https://openai.com/blog/jukebox/
- Removing People from Videos (via tensorflow)
- AR/VR cool software Spatial.io: meeting virtually
- Smart Screen Newspaper
- Math to Code interative to teach how use numpy
- Boto3: amazon sdk for python
- Detecting Deepfakes with AI
- Learning Kubernetes
- Learning AI Videos
- SQL for the Rest of Us
- Technically Website
- Ethical Tech
- Open Source Wiki
- Playcanva Web Game Engine
- Ciphey | Encrypt text fast
- Scraper API
- Anatomy of AWS Lambda Deep Dive
- Computer vision github
- AWS solutions architect Study guides
- AWS Mystical Misfits Web app lab
- architecture playbooks
- CLI thefuck syntax fixer
- Coding via creating games for kids
- Lambda Intro > Hamilton Parody
- GitHub Launches Code Scanner for Security
- Develop Your Cyber Skils | Roppers Academy
- Prepping for Coding Interview
- CodePath
- Here are 11 websites where you can 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙣 𝘾𝙤𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙚:
- - EdX (https://www.edx.org/)
- - Codecademy (https://lnkd.in/gUphZ8Y)
- - Treehouse (https://teamtreehouse.com/)
- - Udemy (https://www.udemy.com/)
- - Coursera (https://www.coursera.org/)
- - Khan Academy (https://lnkd.in/gMs3pBC)
- - W3Schools (https://www.w3schools.com/)
- - FreeCodeCamp (https://lnkd.in/gutF6wp)
- Peter Packet Cisco Subnets Video
- - Evanto tuts + (https://tutsplus.com/)
- - Codeconquest (https://lnkd.in/gFkn75S)
- - Udacity (https://www.udacity.com/)
- AWS User guide to understanding Azure
- 97 ways AWS Accounts Share Info
- S3 direct upload cognito
- AWS CLI User Guide
- AWS Perspective | Auto make architecture diagrams
- Cloud Provider comparison by service
- Clear history of your repo in github
- Other Links to Learn Code
- Mark down Language Guide
- Postman Authentication
- Pomerium Identity Aware Proxy
- Traefik Labs Automate Network Stack
- What is Kafka by Technically
- Free machine learning course
- Swagger.io | API Documentation tool
- cool chat bot Gort
- Tables for Markdown language
- API 101 for the rest of us
- **Memrise app
- 50languages.com
- Closed captioning
- Tinycards (flashcards for languages)
- Babble
- Dulolingo
- Tandem app to learn new language like Meetup meets Duolingo
- Duolingo Spanish Podcast
- Learn Japanese with Subtitled anime
Online Educational Courses

- Sololearn
- Udemy and AWS courses
- Google scholar
- Snip Tool (i.e. copies math equaitions into computer)
- Online scholar publications
- Photomath: Learning Math easily
- Google lens to solve math problems
- HIstory Website
- MOOC.ORG | Online courses for free
- Spark101
- Kid books in Cyber https://www.amazon.com/M-Malware-Curtis-Brazzell/dp/0578519321
Organization Tools (also see @work tips and Mind Hacks)

- Notion.so great kanban/wiki/todo tool
- Roam research - note taking tool to organize
- Fetch wifi password to qr
- Practical World clock
- Habitica: I’ve long struggled with forming good habits. With Habitica, I was able to somehow pull through with difficult commitments because they’ve done a stellar job of gamifying it.
- Notion.So: all in one workspace
- MS Tasks
- RescueTime is a time tracker that logs and visualizes the amount of time you spend on applications or websites.
- Todoist: For a long time, I was using Wunderlist before they announced it would be sunsetted in favor of Microsoft To-do. Nothing against Microsoft specifically, but after comparing its feature set with those of competitors like Todoist, it was a no-brainer for me.
- YourHour for Android and Moment for iOS are two fantastic phone usage tracking apps that, unlike RescueTime, can block your phone’s native apps.
- Clockwise is an intelligent calendar assistant for GSuite that can optimize your daily schedule. It moves meetings around to create more focus time for you (blocks of uninterrupted time for quality work).
- Pair Up
- Einsenhower matrix to manage time

- Go to teacher with alot questions to figure out grading mindset..Two things will happen 1) they'll give you an A due to fear more questions 2) you'll know there pet peeves
- Snip by Mathpix: Allows user to take picture of math equations and put into a word document
- grammarly.com
- HackerAI to tell you best title to use
- How Good Grammar Saves Lives and Other Reasons It’s Still Important
- Listen Ted talks and audio books at two times the speed
- Google Podcasts: Ted, risky business, epop, 10% happier, Tim Ferris
- TED talks
- 1 on 1 meeting questions
- http://www.textfugu.com/season-4/social-learning/9-3/
- Imdb (rate movies)
- Google rework repository: https://rework.withgoogle.com/guides/managers-develop-and-support-managers/steps/review-googles-new-manager-training/
- Startup Stories
- All Kids Network
- 80,000 Impactful Work
- Give Well | Does the charity actually make impact/give
- 25 Best Things to Say when someone just breaks up

Art/Social media
- Canva: Allows to create contect from flyers to social posts
- Buffer (post to social media)
- Kumu.io: Create connection diagrams
- Grafana
- https://restream.io/ : multi stream to video to social media
- AR Copy and Paste
- List of Online Board Games
- How Spotify Codes Work
- House Party: Fun online game and video sharing app
- Online Cards game with no tracking 100% free
- SpaceX ISS Landing simulator
- Reface AI
- Watch out of network sports games > Best one Sports24.club
- NFL out of network list ways to watch
- Tesla delivery guide
- Tesla Easter Eggs
- Google Graveyard
- Lobe AI | Train your own ML
- Omni One Treadmill VR
- Night FM| Tron music radio/cyperpunk
- How many beers in a Keg
- Brickit: Lego AI that examines all your pieces and gives ideas to build
InfoSec Random List(See Cyber Hygiene Post)
- Day in life Top Splunk Security Analyst
- Can Companies stop cyber fraud
- ASAM | Antipiracy tool Android Apple
- Compliance at Speed of Kuberentes
- GHunt Repo | GHunt is an OSINT tool to extract information from any Google Account using an email.
- CTI League COVID19
- Lockphish | Phishing
- Botrnot | is this twitter bot
- Linkedin Scraper
- AWS perspective | Quickly visualize cloud workloads
- AWS Ransomware Detection Cloud Formation
- Container Version checker
- Master list of all ways to secure yourself/companies threat surface | veeral-patel/how-to-secure-anything
- How to encrypt your entire life in less than an hour
- Our Rescue| Nonprofit rescue kids from
- badass Army | Non profit
- Incident Response Playbooks
- HacktheBox: Cool guides in how to hack
- Determine if your linux box been hacked
- Monitor you linux box with collectd, influxdb, and grafana
- Bandit Wargame for Hacking: cool game to learn how to hack
- Secure Code Warrior: dev to devsec coding game
- Detecting users who on other sites
- web hacker Tools
- Base64 Decode/encode
- Knowledge project #93 Matt Holland Zero day
- Ethical resources
- How the hacker saved the internet by Wire
- SSH Tips and 2FA with FIDO
- Encrypted Web Chat Service (Dark Wire)
- OSINT Methods/Tools
- Pentesting Tools Github Repo
- IoT Security Tools Github: Amazing resource for everything pentesting
- DNS performance website (i.e. hint cloudflare best speeds)
- Intel Techniques Resources
- Using TOR and Pi-hole
- Kids safety Github Repo
- https://shop.hak5.org/
- https://cidr.xyz/
- System76 or purism laptop librem15
- https://kalilinuxtutorials-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/kalilinuxtutorials.com/manati-intuitive-threat-analysts/amp/
- 🔦🔦🔦.ws (James search engine)
- https://www.wireguard.com/
- Clusterfuzz for apps: https://github.com/google/clusterfuzz
- Easter eggs: https://www.pocket-lint.com/apps/news/137124-best-tech-easter-eggs-hidden-features
- Google 2018 AI advances: https://ai.googleblog.com/2019/01/looking-back-at-googles-research.html?m=1
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/janakirammsv/2019/01/01/an-executives-guide-to-understanding-cloud-based-machine-learning-services/
- https://guides.codepath.com/websecurity
- AWS Latency https://datapath.io/resources/blog/aws-network-latency-map/
- Webgoat on GitHub for intro to hack and see bugcrowd..
- Android for hackers: https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/android-for-hackers-turn-android-phone-into-hacking-device-without-root-0189649/
- Reset Google advertising I'd in Google>ad
- https://www.defcon.org/images/defcon-18/dc-18-presentations/Schearer/DEFCON-18-Schearer-SHODAN.pdf
- https://www.shodan.io
- https://danielmiessler.com/study/shodan/
- shodan plug in for chrome
- https://gbhackers.com/penetration-testing-wordpress-website/
- https://www.virustotal.com/#/home/search
- malwarebytes chrme extension
- hacknotice
- Intro to network fuzzing: https://blog.own.sh/introduction-to-network-protocol-fuzzing-buffer-overflow-exploitation/
- mcafee web advisor
- https://inteltechniques.com/menu.html
- AWS educate: https://aws.amazon.com/training/learning-paths/machine-learning/
Tensorflow - https://haveibeenpwned.com
- https://hackaday.io/
- https://www.csoonline.com/article/2457873/data-protection/signs-youve-been-hacked-and-how-to-fight-back.html
- Bitlocker AV for mobile
- Darkreading
- Nextgov
- Hackernews
- Twitter: AI, Hackernews,infosec,sirajraval, cyberscoop, trustedsec, aws, fireeye, hackster.io, eff, w3c, webfoundiation, controlrisks,siemens,tensorflow, cheddar, techcruch,dragos, openai , rampanttech
- Dice.com
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2018/12/31/the-most-amazing-artificial-intelligence-milestones-so-far/
- Cylance (AV)
- Splunk4vets
- Udemy ethical hacker course and machine learning
- Hacker playbook
- Risky business podcast
- Sign up for daily coding problems
https://checkforcloudflare.selesti.com/?q=https://cityxguide.com - Security Guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18Y9uVNPcAtGlZgMVuVkgTAUwqJ3t5MAj/view?usp=drivesdk
- Absolutely great article about Google, Google AI, and the crawler https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/12/10/the-friendship-that-made-google-huge/amp
- tips for in home assistance security: https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities---threats/6-security-tips-before-you-put-a-digital-assistant-to-work/d/d-id/1333783?image_number=4
- Vpn hub
- Ghidra: reverse malware engineering from NSA free. Ghidra
- Chronicle google cyber startup: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/alphabet-aims-for-splunk-in-security-startups-coming-out-party-2019-03-04
- Best apps 2018: https://www.androidpolice.com/2019/01/01/best-android-apps-of-2018-for-your-new-phone-tablet-or-chromebook/
- Google Podcast: risky business, tim ferris show
- Hack Android phone: https://www.opentechinfo.com/hack-android/
- History WiFi : https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2019/03/802-eleventy-who-goes-there-wpa3-wi-fi-security-and-what-came-before-it/
- Antihacking tools: https://www.techworm.net/2016/08/10-best-anti-hacking-software-protect-windows-10-run-pc-hackerss.html/amp
- www.exploit-db.com
- Kali tools: setoolkit, wireshark, zap, dnschef, reaver, crunch, air-crack, medusa, sslstrip, webgoat, squid , openstego, metasploit, dnsspoof, gihrda,
Shodan monitor - https://www.internetsociety.org/internet/#facts
- https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities---threats/fireeye-creates-free-attack-toolset-for-windows-/d/d-id/1334318?_mc=NL_DR_EDT_DR_daily_20190403&cid=NL_DR_EDT_DR_daily_20190403&elq_mid=90306&elq_cid=27999970
- Knobattack.com (Bluetooth hack)
- https://ethical.net/resources/
- https://www.balena.io/etcher/
- https://1password.com/sign-up/
- Netguard
- https://firebog.net/
- Fast.ai
- https://medium.com/free-code-camp/the-cia-just-lost-control-of-its-hacking-arsenal-heres-what-you-need-to-know-ea69fc1ce38c
- https://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/100-life-hacks-that-make-life-easier.html
- https://www.boredpanda.com/life-hacks/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic
- Not Using a VPN
- Develop Your Cyber Skils | Roppers Academy