Dec 20, 2019
Books,Articles, and Talks

Four Hour Body Book Notes


ne of my favorite authors is Tim Ferris. I wanted to take his book "the Four Hour body' and breakdown into few major takeaways:

Cutting Weight

RULE #1: AVOID “WHITE” CARBOHYDRATES. Avoid any carbohydrate that is, or can be, white. The following foods are prohibited, except for within 30 minutes of finishing a resistance-training workout like those described in the “From Geek to Freak” or “Occam’s Protocol” chapters: all bread, rice (including brown), cereal, potatoes, pasta, tortillas, and fried food with breading. If you avoid eating the aforementioned foods and anything else white, you’ll be safe.


RULE #3: DON’T DRINK CALORIES. Drink massive quantities of water and as much unsweetened tea, coffee (with no more than two tablespoons of cream; I suggest using cinnamon instead), or other no-calorie/low-calorie beverages as you like. Do not drink milk (including soy milk), normal soft drinks, or fruit juice. Limit diet soft drinks to no more than 16 ounces per day if you can, as the aspartame can stimulate weight gain. 2 glasses red wine

The only exceptions to the no-fruit rule are tomatoes and avocadoes, and the latter should be eaten in moderation (no more than one cup or one meal per day

I make myself a little sick each Saturday and don’t want to look at any junk for the rest of the week. Paradoxically, dramatically spiking caloric intake in this way once per week increases fat-loss by ensuring that your metabolic rate (thyroid function and conversion of T4 to T3, etc.) doesn’t downshift from extended caloric restriction. That’s right: eating pure crap can help you lose fat. Welcome to Utopia.

*****No fruit juice
Can fruit juice really screw up fat-loss? Oh, yes. And it screws up much more. Not to speculate, I tested the effect of fructose in two tests, the first during a no-fructose diet (no juice, no fruit) and the second after one week of consuming 14 ounces—about 1.5 large glasses—of pulp-free orange juice upon waking and before bed. The orange juice was the only thing distinguishing diets A and B. The changes were incredible.


  • Kettle ball swings (
  • Fly dog
  • Two legged glute raise
  • Myotatic Crunch
  • Cat Vomit Exercise
  • Square oblique / planks

Diet FAQs

  • Whats best oils? See graphic

  • What supplements? Potatssium, magneisum and calcium see graphic

  • Magnesium and calcium are easiest to consume in pill form, and 500 milligrams of magnesium taken prior to bed will also improve sleep.
  • Dairy? Removing even a little dairy can dramatically accelerate fat-loss, as Murph noticed:  OK, it’s been a week since taking Tim’s advice and cutting the dairy. I’m down 6 more pounds. And what’s unbelievable to me is that I wasn’t even consuming that much beforehand. Maybe a handful of cheese on my breakfast eggs, and a glass of milk per day.
  • Cheat day Weight gain? It’s common for even a 120-pound female to gain up to eight pounds of water weight after 24 hours of increased carbohydrate intake. Larger males can gain 10–20 pounds. Expect MASSIVE weight fluctuations after cheat day. Relax. It will disappear over the next 48 hours.
  • CAN I DRINK ALCOHOL? WHAT TYPES OF WINE ARE BEST? On cheat days, all is fair. Have a keg by yourself if the spirit moves you. On diet days, stick to dry wines, “dry” being defined as less than 1.4% residual sugar. The driest red varietals are Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot, whereas the driest whites are generally Sauvignon Blanc and Albariño. This certainly doesn’t stop me from enjoying my favorite big reds: Malbec from Argentina and Zinfandel from California. I have found better fat-loss results with red wine compared to white. Though there are exceptions, it is best to avoid Riesling, White Zinfandel, and Champagne.
  • Best cuisines to lose weight? Thai and Mexican. See example:
  • CQ, cissus quadrangularis: fat burning supplement from India. The joke is that its like the morning after pill for dieting.
  • Go fermented
  • Cold showers 2-3 minutes release fat and also lower depression at 68F.
  • Cinnamon before bed/ in coffee (2.5tsps is max/day)
  • Chewing food 20times before swalling (e.g Argentina woman smaller portions and eat slower). Make 30 minutes the minimum for a meal.
  • Don't Skip meals and must eat one following every 3 waking hours!

Improving Sex

Sex researcher Shere Hite had long ago concluded that 70% of U.S. women couldn’t experience orgasm from intercourse, and Alfred Kinsey’s data suggested that up to 50% of U.S. women weren’t able to achieve orgasm at all.

0.a woman has to be comfortable masturbating. “If she doesn’t masturbate regularly, she’ll be more trouble, baggage-wise, than it’s worth, unless you get off on being the fixer. She has to at least come up to the starting line and be comfortable conversing with her own orgasmic potential.”

1. Changing the angle of penetration so that the head of the penis makes more contact with the female g-spot, which is generally about a quarter in size and one to two inches inside the vagina on the top side. If the male inserts an index finger up to the second knuckle (palm up), and makes a come-hither motion, the fingertip should touch a sponge-like tissue or be within an inch of it. This is the g-spot.

2. Changing the angle.
On the facing page, notice that the woman’s hips are elevated on a pillow to tilt her hips toward her head. Nina suggests buckwheat hull pillows, which are firm and, unlike foam or feather pillows, don’t collapse. I fell in love with them in Japan, as the hulls conform to your head and neck to offer the perfect night’s sleep. They conform equally well to female buttocks, while keeping them a perfect six or so inches off the bed. The man then moves his hips as close as possible to the woman’s hips while keeping his heels under his buttocks. He should be sitting Japanese-style, sitting on heels with knees spread as wide as is comfortable. The lower he keeps his hips, the better the angle to hit the g-spot.8 Experiment with different depths of penetration. Using a rhythm of nine shorter half-length penetrations with one long is particularly effective. Use the bottom of the opening of her vagina as a fulcrum for the penis, which will act as a lever.“The number-one move I would offer to men is the targeted pelvic grinding in this position, either moving the hips in small circles or slowly side to side.”

15min Female Orgasm

2.GET INTO POSITION. First, the woman disrobes from the waist down and lies on her back using a pillow for neck support. Her legs are bent and spread, feet together in butterfly position. If this makes her hips uncomfortable on one or both sides, pillows can be put underneath her knees. * Tip cover eyes, don't ask if good just high lower direction


5. Imagine you are looking directly at the clitoris from between her legs, with the top of the clitoris as 12 o’clock on a clock face. Find 1:00 P.M.—ideally a small indentation or pocket between the hood and her clitoris—with your right hand’s index finger and begin stroking using the lightest touch possible and only 1/16″ or so of movement. The tip of the finger is better than the pad, so cut your nails beforehand.
6. Grounding

Once you’re comfortable with the basic practice (five stroke-only sessions), but not before, try these:  1. Insert the middle finger of the nonstroking hand, palm up, and use a come-hither motion to stimulate the g-spot. After five minutes, add in the index finger for a total of two fingers and continue the come-hither motion.

  • Bullet vibes (
  • Smoothie (
  • Jimmy Jane Little Chroma (
  • Little Something (

Increasing Testosterone/Sex Drive for Men

  • PROTOCOL #1: LONG-TERM AND SUSTAINED Fermented cod liver oil + vitamin-rich butter fat—2 capsules upon waking and before bed Vitamin D3—3,000–5,000 IU upon waking and before bed (6,000–10,000 IU per day), until you reach blood levels of 55 ng/mL. Short ice baths and/or cold showers—10 minutes each, upon waking and right before bed Brazil nuts—3 nuts upon waking, 3 nuts before bed (see important footnote).15
  • PROTOCOL #2: SHORT-TERM AND FUN “NITRO BOOST” 20–24 Hours Prior to Sex Eat at least 800 milligrams of cholesterol (example: four or more large whole eggs or egg yolks) within three hours of bedtime, the night before you want to have incredible sex. The Wolverine intro to this chapter was partially thanks to two ¾-pound rib-eye steaks the night before, but it’s easier to stomach hard-boiled eggs. Why before bed? Testosterone is derived from cholesterol, which is primarily produced at night during sleep (between midnight and 4:00–6:00 A.M.).  
  • Four Hours Prior to Sex 4 Brazil nuts 20 raw almonds 2 capsules of the above-mentioned fermented cod/butter combination
  • Blue Ice™ Butter Oil/Fermented Cod Liver Oil Blend ( This is the cod/butter combination I used. Blue Ice™ is from a small manufacturer and production is limited. Carlson Super 1000mg Cod Liver Oil ( A decent substitute if the above is sold-out, but consume at the same time as the below. Vitamin-Rich Butter Fat: Kerrygold Irish butter ( This site helps you find local stores where you can buy Kerrygold Irish butter. If you’d prefer to order online, check and click “Deli Counter” at the top of the screen.
  • **Don't put  phone in pocket it lower sperm count or turn it off


  • But ART isn’t perfect. As Charles noted: “ART is 100% effective in 70% of patients.” Fixing chronic pain often requires a combination of therapies. Sometimes that involves needles, which brings us to the next stage: medication.

Medical tourism


Gray’s fundamental tool for identifying imbalances is his brainchild: the Functional Movement Screen (FMS). The FMS is a series of seven movement tests administered by a certified professional. Each test is scored on a three-point scale. For self-assessment, his professional FMS can be abbreviated to five movements with simple pass-fail evaluation:  1. Deep squat 2. Hurdle step 3. In-line lunge 4. Active straight leg raise 5. Seated rotation

Correct imbalances:
Chop and lift (C&L) Turkish get-up (TGU) Two-arm single-leg deadlift (2SDL) Cross-body one-arm single-leg deadlift (1SDL) I’ve put the exercises in the order that you should learn them, as greater coordination is required as you move down the list. There is no shame in sticking with just the C&L for two to four weeks if the other three prove awkward to incorporate at the beginning.

Ice and arnica montana flower seeing stretch your muscles if tight
Speed: (

Running Marathons:

  • According to Romanov, by applying the same principles you should use on dry ground:  
  • 1. Use gravity (via forward lean) for forward motion instead of push-off and muscular effort.
  • 2.  Land on the balls of the feet and aim to have the feet land under your center of gravity instead of in front of you.
  • 3.  Never fully straighten your legs. Keep a slight bend in your legs at all times to prevent push-off.
  • 4. Pull each foot off the ground and towards your buttocks (rather than pushing off) using the hamstrings as soon as it passes under your center of gravity.
  • 5. Maintain at least a 180 step per minute rate, which means at least 90 steps per minute with each leg. This will use muscle elasticity to your advantage. Michael Johnson, who held the 200-meter world record for an astonishing 12 years, and also won four Olympic gold medals at different distances, was known for eschewing a high knee lift in favor of short steps. His per-minute step rate? Around 300.  Brian suggests training tempo using a Seiko DM50L Metronome, and I found it easiest to use 90 beats per minute for one leg and count when that heel was highest (near the buttocks) as opposed to tapping the ground.

    *Int = “Interval” training is often in a total that equals 1,600 meters, such as: 8 × 200 m (90 secs rest between), 4 × 400m (90 secs rest), or 2 × 800 m (2–3 min rest).24
    CF = “CrossFit” (2–10 minutes of metabolic conditioning; examples are provided later in my 12-week schedule).

    TT = “Time Trial,” used to test progress in a distance such as 1 mile, 5K, or 10K. Alternatively, you might use the popular “three-on-one-off” schedule for CrossFit, making sure to include two to three intervals and one time trial per week:

    **In each interval, hill, or Tabata workout, if you can’t recover to a heart rate of 120 in less than two minutes, the workout is ended.
  • What type of shoes should I wear? I suggest the Inov-8 X-Talon 212 or Inov-8 F-Lite 230 for trail running. For asphalt and other hard surfaces, I suggest the Inov-8 F-Lite 220, but the F-Lite 230 can be used as well.
  • Diet for runners: I follow, and suggest my athletes follow, a Paleolithic or “paleo” diet, which omits starches, grains, and beans. It consists of lean protein, vegetables, a little fruit, a sh** ton of fat and nothing else. The most critical thing a runner or athlete can do is record three days of food logs, which includes weighing their food. This will give you a clear idea of baseline.

The Effortless Superhuman Protocol

The training protocol for Allyson Felix in 2003 consisted of the following, three times per week:  Dynamic stretching before each session (“over-unders,” detailed later). One of the following, five minutes rest between sets: Bench press:1 2–3 sets of 2–3 reps or Push-ups: 10–12 reps2 Conventional deadlift to knees, 2–3 sets of 2–3 reps at 85–95% of 1-repetition max (1RM). Bar does NOT go higher than the knee and is dropped from that height rather than returned to the ground by the athlete. Dropping, and therefore avoiding the eccentric lowering portion, is critical for reducing hamstring injuries when also doing sprint training. Time under tension should be less than 10 seconds per set. For deadlift sets: • Plyometrics are performed immediately after the end of each set (box jumps3 of various heights × 4–6 reps) • Take five minutes rest in between sets, with the five-minute countdown starting after plyometrics Core exercise, 3–5 sets of 3–5 reps (isometric holds) Static stretching

The crucial principle is to lift heavy but not hard. This is where the “rule of 10 reps” can be applied:
1. Use two to three “global” compound exercises (e.g., the deadlift and the bench press). 2. Lift three times a week (e.g., Monday, Wednesday, and Friday).12 Do your conditioning and supplementary work on separate days, practice your sport skills six days a week, and take one day off completely.
3. Focus on sets of two or three reps. Two reps is the most preferred rep choice of the Russian National Weight Lifting Team.
4. In all cases, complete approximately 10 reps per lift per workout (e.g., three sets of three, five sets of two, etc.).
5.. Never train to failure, and always leave at least one to two reps “in the bank.”
6. Rest for five minutes between sets. 7. Finish your workout feeling stronger than when you started.  The goal is to build as much strength as possible while staying as fresh as possible for your sport.

Learn to Swim Effortlessly

1. To propel yourself forward with the least effort, focus on shoulder roll and keeping your body horizontal (least resistance), not pulling with your arms or kicking with your legs. This is counterintuitive but important, as kicking harder is the most universal suggestion for fixing swimming issues.

2. Keep yourself horizontal by keeping your head in line with your spine—you should be looking straight down. Use the same head position that you maintain while walking, and drive your arm underwater vs. attempting to swim on the surface. See Shinji Takeuchi’s underwater shots at 0:49 seconds ( and Natalie Coughlin’s explanation at 0:26 seconds ( Notice how little Shinji uses his legs. The small flick serves only to help him turn his hips and drive his next arm forward. This is the technique that allows me to conserve so much energy.

3. In line with the aforementioned video of Shinji, think of swimming freestyle as swimming on alternating sides, not on your stomach. From Wikipedia’s TI page:1  “Actively streamline” the body throughout the stroke cycle through a focus on rhythmically alternating “streamlined right side” and “streamlined left side” positions and consciously keeping the bodyline longer and sleeker than is typical for human swimmers. For those who have rock-climbed or bouldered, it’s just like moving your hip closer to a wall to get more extension. To test this: stand with your chest to a wall and reach as high as you can with your right arm. Then turn your right hip so it’s touching the wall and reach again with your right arm. Making this small rotation, you’ll gain three to six inches. Lengthen your vessel and you travel farther on each stroke. It adds up fast. Below is what a full stroke should look like, demonstrated by TI founder Terry Loughlin. Notice the minimal flick of the legs used to rotate the hips and body. This sequence of photos should be your bible for efficient swimming:

4. Penetrate the water with your fingers angled down and fully extend your arm well beneath your head. Extend it lower and farther than you think you should. This downward water pressure on the arms will bring your legs up and decrease drag. It will almost feel like you’re swimming downhill. The first photo below illustrates the typical inefficient “reach,” and the second illustrates the proper point of entrance, much closer to the head. Once the arm enters the water, it extends down at an angle. Don’t impinge the shoulder by lifting it too high. If you rotate your shoulders properly, it’s not necessary.

5. Focus on increasing stroke length (SL) instead of stroke rate (SR). Attempt to glide farther on each downstroke and decrease the number of strokes per lap.

6. Stretch your extended underwater arm and turn your body (not just your head) to breathe. For each breath, you should feel the stretch in your lats (back) on your lower side, as if you were reaching for a cookie jar high on a shelf a few inches out of reach. This will bring your head closer to the surface and make it easier to breathe. Some triathletes turn almost to their backs and face skyward to avoid short gasps and oxygen debt (tip from Dave Scott, six-time Ironman world champion).

7. Experiment with hand swapping as a drill. It’s difficult to remember all of the mechanical details while actually swimming. I short-circuited trying to follow half a dozen rules at once. The single drill that forced me to do most other things correctly is hand swapping. This is the visualization I found most useful: focus on keeping your lead arm fully extended until your other arm comes over and penetrates the water around the extended arm’s forearm. This encourages you to swim on your sides, extends your stroke length, and forces you to engage

Living forever:

1) fasting 19 hrs
2) creatine monohydate
3) donating blood to lower iron levels

Other Tips/Resources

  • Data data data. Take measurements of weight before eat breakfast. Use some links below to track and stay competitve.
  • Take pictures and post somewhere you'll see. Take picture everything you need to shameself not to eat it.
  • PBworks wiki page (like the pages found on Wikipedia)