Dec 14, 2018
Travel Hacks

Bucketlist Ideas


ver the years thanks to countless blog posts, books like 'Four Hour Work Week'

I've found the importance to create buckletlist and goals. Every year i write down three goals for the following categories: Have, Be Do. As result, then daily I work on create small task to accomplish that goal. For example, in 2020 I have following goals:

  • Read 24 books a year
  • conversational in Spanish
  • Learn the piano
  • Continue Japanese, french, and german
  • Learn Krav Mcgra and boxing
  • Complete 3 off major bucketlist list below
  • Knock off three from our couples bucketlist
  • Get married
  • Save 30-50% yearly on to be track to be financially independt in few years
  • Launch this website
  • Daily Meditate
  • Volunteer weekly for 2-3 organizations
  • Eat healthier (Started the Four Hour Diet)
  • Life is short. Love who you are. Love what you do. Make every day count.
  • Work on new 'work' skill like: Cloud Architect and improve ethical hacking skills

Bucketlist Ideas (Personal)

Here is wide list I've compiled over the years hopefully they help you find yours.

To Do

  • Donate a wreath for wreath ceremony at airlington
  • Travel the world (As of 2020 50 countries and 400+ cities)
  • Cherry blossoms in Japan
  • Get married in travel destination
  • ski alps
  • Hang glide
  • European soccer game
  • Build dream house =Own lake house
  • Own Beach House
  • Mardi gras new Orleans
  • Raise child
  • Superbowl
  • World series
  • Olympics
  • World Cup match
  • Ufc match
  • Hike mount huashan
  • Army vs Navy Game
  • go on two these trips
  • Influencer
  • Horseback riding
  • Parasailing
  • Rugby match: All blacks playing rugby in New Zealand
  • Space if feasible (blue orgin $75k)

Accomplished Ideas

  • Full moon party
  • Japanese baseball game (8-30-2019 Nagoya dragons)
  • Japanese bath
  • Rafting/canoyneering
  • CEO/Owner own company
  • mission trip to help people
  • Castles ( visit many possible)
  • Cave
  • Go to actual October fest
  • Go to world class Orchestra in historic venue in Europe y
  • Scuba dive in clearest reef
  • Green Bay Packers game Y
  • Hike National Parks Y
  • Sail Y
  • ski mountains in us Y
  • skydive Y
  • skydive new Zealand/Hawaii (exotic) Y
  • springbreak Y
  • Surf
  • Try many beers possible Y
  • Salsa Dance Y
  • Zip Line
  • army 10 miler Y
  • swing dance Y
  • ski in April Y
  • snorkel with reef Y
  • use my gift to make a difference
  • Packer game in another stadium
  • Cave diving
  • Waverunner in ocean
  • Shark diving
  • Zip line. Costa Rica
  • Curling at DC wharf on 1/2020
  • Play cards at 5 star bar
  • Fake wrestling match 10-2-2019
  • Brewers playoff game
  • Give back to veterans (honor flights, mindfulmemorial)
  • Serve beer in different language (get out of comfortzone)
  • Dave Matthews party bus
  • Visit family farm in Norway
  • Fly first-class/business overseas - Emirates 2019
  • Cliff diving - oslob
  • Live abroad for > 1 month in one place (Japan)
  • Monastery beer with view
  • Play card game at bar in foreign country

Couples Bucketlist Ideas

To Do

  • Cherry blossom in Japan
  • Dog sit
  • Montréal
  • U.S Grand canyon,
  • Zion,
  • Yellowstone,
  • Packer game
  • European soccer match
  • Hang glide
  • Fjord exploration in Norway
  • Stay in tree house
  • Make lefse
  • Liveaboard scuba dive (e.g. maldives or
  • Explore new Zealand via fancy camper
  • Visit Rio during carnavel
  • Learn to sail
  • Go deep sea fishing
  • Party ibiza/mykonos
  • House sit
  • Drink whiskey in Scottish highlands
  • Sunrise from Mountain
  • Soak in Iceland blue lagoon
  • Northern lights
  • Eat king salmon after fishing in Alaska
  • Stay in overwater bungalow
  • Go sledding
  • Fly first class
  • Have a dog
  • Host Christmas dinner
  • Xmas in nyc to see Rockefeller’s Xmas tree
  • Charter a yahct
  • Fly in private jet (jetsuitex afforded)
  • married in traveling location
  • Kids
  • Airbnb foreign country with kids and make local meal in house
  • Develop three more ideas
  • Olympics
  • Split the equator in quito
  • Man made wonders of world
  • Colleseum
  • China wall
  • Petra Jordan
  • Taj mall
  • El Salvador in Rio Christ
  • Picchu in Peru
  • Chichinisa in playa carmen
  • Ed Shereen concert
  • Sam Smith concert


  • Scuba dive together
  • Curl
  • Volunteer together
  • White water rafting/canyonering: japan 8/23/19
  • Japanese baseball game
  • Go backpacking southeast asia
  • Full moon party
  • Couple massage
  • Kayak
  • Read book together at same time: Deception point
  • Experience Japanese New Year together
  • Motorbike/scooter an island
  • Hot yoga
  • Ski in foreign country
  • Drink hot chocolate on mountain (with another couple..Jill/chidi)
  • Hot spring foreign country
  • Visit epic waterfall .. Costa Rica
  • Catch sunset
  • Do something completely ubslefish for other-bday/move
  • Do something crazy line
  • Attend sports game together - nats
  • Eat new things - Raclette and fondue
  • Road trip - California
  • Bed and breakfast.. Maine
  • Learn new language together
  • Attend wine tasting
  • Taking cooking class - nagisa mom
  • Go ICE skating
  • Meet each others parents
  • Wisconsin cabin
  • Host thanksgiving dinner
  • Host couples game night
  • Hike national park
  • Make dinner for each other
  • Explore rainforest
  • Tropical paradise aka Costa rica
  • Play cards at 5star place (Mandarin and Thailand)
  • Binge watch TV
  • Admire world's finest art-paris ..DC... Nyc
  • Rock out music - Vance joy
  • Watch standup Comedy
  • Snorkel
  • Fancy up in vegas
  • New York show
  • See Paris
  • Eat Japanese food in Japan